Why do people get fascinated about brands? Hey, I am one among those who get fascinated by brands, especially international brands, my favourite brand being the Levi Strauss & Co, I love this brand and i am very comfortable with the products of Levi's. Now if we try to analyze what is the big deal with branded products, we should keep it in mind that branded products are first class products. We should also understand the difference between a label & a brand, labels of fashion designers on the product, sometimes referred to as "limited edition", "signature edition" may take the price of the product to the skies, whereas branded products will be priced based on specific protocols depending upon the product. The comfort and elegance with which the

branded product suits one's personality is the prime factor which causes one to get fascinated about that particular brand, there are several other reasons why we should consider brands before buying a product. Most of us feel that branded products are priced unusually high, now if compare a second grade product to a first class product (branded products) in terms of quality, durability, appeal, we cannot deny the fact that a branded product takes edge over a second grade product. Now, many of us think that in terms of pricing the second grade product is far better than the branded product convincing us in such a way that we tend to neglect the other aspects(such as quality, appeal...) . I've heard the argument many times, but the conclusion is you cannot afford to go any other way. Certainly, in the long run, going first class actually costs you less than going second class.
I strongly believe in the fact that it is always better to have fewer things and have quality than to have many things and to have junk. For example, it is better to have one really good pair of shoes than to have three pairs of second grade shoes which might cause problems every now & then.

The idea of going first class should be observed or implemented in all the aspects of life, it doesn't necessarily be a product which you use, it can also be a service that you wish to have. Remember people rate you for quality, often subconsciously perhaps. I'd like to tell you that you will be more confident when you go first class or use a branded product. So, what are you waiting for?
nice article, very good english
i really did not xpect that ra babu
but give a check after u write, everything is fine, small mistakes, maybe while typing,
but i want to c banz perfect, my brother right?
very good keep going
nice article, very good english, i did not expect that
just check little spellings, while typing,
everything is fine, but i want banz perfect, my brother right
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