Not sure how many of you are aware that an egg subjected to the heat of microwave would explode. I have witnessed the egg explode which I call the eggsplosion as recent as yesterday, unaware of the fact that a semi boiled egg would explode when reheated in a microwave. I was lucky to have escaped with minor injuries but the eggsplosion kept me thinking, and in a state of shock for a while. The experience was horrifying. the egg splattered across the kitchen with great force and it was real hot which could easily injure anyone in the close vicinity. I have then tried to analyse the event by detail and understood how heated the inner contents were because of the heat and pressure from the outside.
We humans are quite similar to the egg, our inner most emotions explode when we are subjected to extreme pressures from an external source. The pressure from the outside could be anything ranging from an work deadline to household budgets to unwanted criticism. All that matters is how we handle the pressure from the outside and not let it disturb our inner peace. The ability to handle the pressure definitely varies from person to person depending upon the amount of resistance to the force and the levels of saturation. When we fail to absorb the external pressure and let it cross the membrane, the inner emotions heat up and the consequences might not be as desired. On the contrary, there could be some external forces such as constructive criticism which can help heat up the inner emotions resulting in higher productivity or significant achievements. Such force helps in stirring up the positive emotions within and motivate the people around us. Irrespective of the kind of external pressure, we can still strive to achieve desired results if we master the art of dealing with such pressures without affecting the inner most emotions. A calm and cool mind is needed to channelize all such emotions and prevent them from exploding in an unpleasant way. It is easier said than done, however it is not impossible. It requires a conscious effort and the right mindset. Many great saints & successful people have mastered this art of handling the external pressures and in turn put such pressures to good use and not let those adverse the situation. It will become easier to achieve this when we start thinking about how much control do we have on these external pressures or situation? We might not be able to control all that is external to us, but we certainly can control all that is building up within. There could be ways to exercise this control (on the inner emotions) : meditation, travel breaks, physical activity, listening to music etc. Explore what helps you to control and channelize your inner most emotions from exploding.
With the lesson learnt from the eggsplosion, I would certainly not heat up the eggs again in a microwave. And the incident certainly helped me rethink the way I deal with my inner energy. It is very important to give the inner emotion a right direction, keep cool and don't let the external pressure heat up your inner emotions!